Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mishloach Manot for Purim

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I love Purim, it has always been my favorite holiday.  Put very very simply; Purim is the story of the deliverance of the Jewish People in the 4th century BCE. It involves a King and a Queen {who was Jewish} and an evil man that plots to kill the Jews. All of the makings of an incredible story.  It is not just your  traditional meal with family, but rather a time that you can dress  up and party  {read more here} .  One of the traditions is making Mishloach Manot- baskets with food to give to friends. The foods are given on Purim and have at least 2 different types of food in them.  Since Purim is so close to Valentine's day, I pilfered Target and Michael's for some good quality items to use in my basket and make it a part of the basket theme. 

This is what I found to use.  I originally found some great pink and red striped acrylic baskets, but on the way to the check-out, I spotted these stuffed animal backpacks! Much cuter and then I didn't have to worry about packaging it up with ribbons.

The butterfly lollipop kit we will use to make for Baby Bear's little friends and to add in some of the baskets.  Baby Bear had fun with the stickers but wanted to eat all the lollipops!

I made some new tags to package the sun catchers on my silhouette cameo so they would be more special and festive. 

I have a couple more finishing touches to put on our bags and I will show you the final picture with the gift tags!

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