Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mini and Her Milk

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baby girl playing with toys

Mini is doing so much better with 2 weeks on only Breast Milk.  Her moods were much better since her tummy was happy. She does not seem as uncomfortable either and has gotten lots of cute baby chub. Plus her skin was much less dry and flaky. 

baby sitting on a boppy pillow

 Then I suddenly ran out and couldn't meet up with the other mother.  Within 12 hours of giving her formula, Mini got really congested and stuffy sounding.  She also was more uncomfortable and cranky.  With the Breast Milk, she was slurping down 4 oz after I would nurse her.  With the formula, she barely would drink 2 oz.  Yesterday we were able to meet up and I gave her the milk last night and today.  It seems to be settling her stomach again already. 

two sisters dressed alike
my 2 little bears
Thanks to everyone for an overwhelmingly positive support.  I wasn't sure what people would think when I put something personal and controversial out there (but seriously, an actual 'wet nurse' has been around for thousands of years, so milk sharing shouldn't seem weird).  

Friends and strangers {aka new friends} have messaged me privately and I so appreciate that. I have also had a friend donate some of her milk too! 

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