Mission Possible Book and Giveaway!

Preparing for this coming school year, I read a really inspiring book by Eva Moskowitz and Arin Lavinia about the Success Academies that started in Harlem, New York. I first heard about the Success Academy in Harlem on NPR a few years ago. It sounded like such an exciting prospect and I was intrigued to know more on how the school works and why it is so successful in educating a population that was considered low potential because of their economic situation. The book is called Mission Possible:How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School and I highly recommend reading it.

Preparing for this coming school year, I read a really inspiring book by Eva Moskowitz and Arin Lavinia about the Success Academies that started in Harlem, New York. I first heard about the Success Academy in Harlem on NPR a few years ago. It sounded like such an exciting prospect and I was intrigued to know more on how the school works and why it is so successful in educating a population that was considered low potential because of their economic situation. The book is called Mission Possible:How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School and I highly recommend reading it.
The state of education in the US worries me with Baby Bear a few years away from going to Kindergarten. Are things going to change? Its so sad to say, but sometimes I think of education in American like a stagnant pool of water. Yeah, there is water in the pool, but the water is not moving and it starts to get smelly and stale. How come we think this is OK for our education system that is suppose to teach and nurture our children? If you don't see any change in how the system works it will lead to low teacher moral and therefore poor student performance. Everyone knows that a great teacher makes a difference. I still remember the names of my great teachers (but the bad ones, now so much). When there is no way to allow teachers to learn and grow throughout their teaching career, how can a teacher want to be the best if mediocre is OK.
Eva Moskowitz and Arin Lavinia
How can we do better for our children? The book Mission Possible: How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School give simple and easy to apply methods. The secrete is that there really is no secret. It is changing the ways that schools are structured and funded and making parental support mandatory. This begins with the most overlooked part- the Teacher.
Teachers are educated individuals that go through college programs to be certified but they are often looked down upon. It is so sad that we do not revere our teachers and idolized them like we do musicians and actors, because teachers have the ability to mold young minds and inspire students. They also have a small income potential for the amount of schooling that they go through and the public knows the reputation of public schools as horrible places. If we were able to change the outcome of the students in all of the schools across the country, then people would want to be teachers and teaching would be a profession that was looked upon as special and worthy.
You can read more about the book Mission Possible here
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I was compensated for this post however, all opinions expressed are my own
I was compensated for this post however, all opinions expressed are my own
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