
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fire Safety for Preschoolers

This week was Fire Prevention Week.  I took Baby Bear to our local fire station open house.

They had lots of different fun things for kids to do, but I think that the most important thing that they teach kids is fire safety.  Baby Bear and Mini have lit candles for religious reasons and are not afraid of fire and can both do it safely.  It is important that they also know the dangers of what can happen if not used properly.  

The most important thing is to start the discussion. Here are ways to start:

Kids need to know how to call 911 in an emergency.  Show them on a land line and a cell phone. Kids know how to use cell phones from a really early age.  Make sure that they know how to use your cell phone to call for help in case of medical and fire emergency.  This means to have an entry that they know how to use to call and also how to use a home phone to physically dial 9-1-1 for help. 

How kids how to
in a case that their clothes light on fire.

Test your fire detectors monthly and have your kids help with a fun chart from NPW Kids here.  They have more learning activities and videos for kids on their site

Lead by example and have them help you check your home for fire hazards or show them how to exit your home in case of fire and crawl under the smoke to safety.

If you don't know what to do~ call or visit your local fire department and ask them to help! 

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