Monday, November 11, 2013

Momma Warrior

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I earned my battle scars last week.

I did something this past week that I didn't know that I would be strong enough to do. I took care of 2 kids sick with the stomach flu.  I can't believe that I am admitting this, but; barf was my BIGGEST parenting fear.  I don't do throw up.  It is actually one of the main reasons that I never really drank in college.  

I was panic stricken when I got the call from daycare that I had to pick up Mini.  I had to ask the ladies there what to do since I luckily never had to deal with that before with Baby Bear.  The easy part was between she was acting almost totally fine and tried to play. It was a long night,but eventually Mini went to sleep and felt better in the morning. I was crossing my fingers that Baby Bear would not get it but a week later she was not feeling good either.  That was even harder since she had the thought in her head that she was sick now so she cried.  

I couldn't believe that in the moment I was calm and functioning. I found a strength that I didn't know I had to make my babies feel better.  

So glad that is over. 


  1. oy, I am so glad this is over for you. I used to be that way, too. Somehow, motherhood turned me into the mom who actually runs toward the vomit rather than away from it. No idea how this happened. I have literally cupped my hands in front of my girl in order to catch her vomit. Who am I?!
    Glad both your girls are feeling better and that no one else seems to have gotten it!

    1. Wow Dani, that is pretty descriptive and scary just reading that! I give you lots of credit, but I know that you are a strong Momma to go to bat for Bird's education!


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