I saw this on TV and decided to do a test of what works better. Regular fork beaten eggs, or ones that you put in a drink shaker. Must be the Master's program that I started since I am now questioning everything and researching it. {oh, yeah.. I started a Masters in Education program called the Detroit Teacher Project though UM}
I took a martini shaker and shook for exactly 60 seconds. Then I did the fork beater for 60 seconds. I cooked both and here is the outcome. You can see even that the shaker eggs are double the thickness. I really don't like paper thin eggs personally and Mini Bear LOVES eggs for breakfast.
Ok, so you're saying "I can do the same in a blender." The thing about the blender is that you have to take it out and then take apart to clean.
Even with the Magic Bullet requires that you take the rubber seal out when you clean it, so you save a few steps. I found this shaker on Amazon for the best price/good rating. There were a few that were $6 on prime, but they only had 3 stars.
PS. those cherry tomatoes came from my garden!
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