
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Turning a corner in parenthood

It is around the 3 month mark that things suddenly start to click into place and the 'newborn fog' seems to lift.  

dog with baby girl
Mini with our dog Azit {8 weeks}

I finally feel like I know Mini now.  I know how she likes to be held, when her naps are, how to comfort her, etc.  She likes to coo and smile at me and turns when she hears my voice.  I am starting to get more then one thing done. Baby Bear is finding things that she likes about Mini.  We found our groove and it feels great!

newborn looking at her toy
Mini looking at her toy
{don't know what the newborn fog is? If you have never had a baby you can't really explain it.  It is the lack of sleep, sore boobies, and 1 can only do one thing a day that comes with getting to know your newborn.}

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