
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Raising a Bilingual Child {2 years 2 months}

raising a bilingual child אני מדברת עברית
raising a bilingual child

It was so nice to be able to be with family for Thanksgiving.  We don't usually get together with my 2nd cousins for Thanksgiving, so it was a nice treat!  There are now 4 little kids- 1 baby, 2 toddlers, 1 elementary school kid.  

toddler laying on a small couch reading a Dr. Suess book
"I want to sit on the couch and read 'Dog Go!'"

Baby Bear loved to see all the cousins.  After dinner, my uncle took out his guitar and all of the kids LOVED singing and dancing to the music.  We were amazed to see that Baby Bear can even give requests for songs and can sing most of the words.  Even the songs that she did not know, she got the words after hearing everyone sing them. The next day at Shabbat dinner she also sang along to all of the songs and prayers that we sing.  I am so proud that she is able to say that prayers at such a young age and really enjoy doing it.

Baby Bear also started to question what things are.  I mentioned that before, but now she wants a deeper understanding of what, why, who, and how things are.  She will ask questions for example about what something is like "Is that snow?"  She also likes to play games like big or small and is starting to be able to name colors and shapes.  

toddler girl eating ice cream
"I want vanilla ice cream, Mima [my sister] take me"

Baby Bear can also answer questions about what she did that day, tell me what she wants to do or tell me what she is going to do!  She was with my sister at my parents house the other day and I called on my way home.  Baby Bear wanted to talk and was so chatty answering all of my questions and even telling me things that I did not ask.  She used to just say [in Hebrew of course] "hi mommy" and "yes" to my questions. I asked what she was doing and where she was and my dad had to take the phone back and say that they were leaving because Baby Bear just kept talking!  I couldn't believe the change! 

I know that other kids are doing this way before her, but she is doing it in 2 different languages which is so amazing!

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