
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Random Thoughts and Feelings about being pregnant

{I wrote this a few months ago}
You forget what it is like being pregnant in the beginning and second guessing yourself or attributing everything to it. I get really bad breakouts. I get a boob rash. I get bloated.  I get nauseous. I can smell EVERYTHING.  Your hoo-hah sweats. It is so hard to keep it secret. I want to wear it as a badge on my chest and shout it from the rooftops!

Questions that are running through my head-
I am not sure I can do two. 
I love Baby Bear so much how can I love another just as much? 
Will she be jealous? 
How can I take the dog out to pee with two kids hanging on me? 
What is going to happen to my body? 
Should I find out the sex? 
Why should I feel guilty if I want to know the gender? Seriously why?
How can I wait to find out the gender? 
How can I wait to meet them? 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I could do two. I love my one so viciously I might kill myself with two... Okay.. I'm not a freak! Really. Just ... exhausted with one. You're brave and you'll be blessed out your socks. I hope to travel the two-some with you as you blog about it.
    God bless.
    In from SITS.
