
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are Gardens Ugly?

Someone in our association complained about our garden!  

This older guy name Lou (he happens to be the grandfather of an old neighbor) made the complaint.  

There are many people that have flower beds planted in the same area, so it seems to me that people feel that Gardens are ugly.  At the moment, there is nothing really happening, so it does look like a lot of dirt with a few buds.  

ducks and garden
Love these ducks that live in our pond! 

It is really important to Mr. BBH and I that we teach our children a healthy lifestyle and learning where their food comes from is part of this.  

Here are some other people's flower plantings in our association
(not judging what they planted or put up as decoration)

It reminds me of a case in Oak Park, Michigan last year of a women that was going to get jail time for planting a vegetable garden.
What do you think?

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